Motor vehicle collisions are one of the most pressing safety concerns in the United States. People of all ages can suffer major injuries or die because of a wreck. Avoiding any collision may be a driver's goal, but it may not be a realistic one. They may need to focus...
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from offices in Brainerd, Buffalo, Hutchinson And Minnetonka
truck accidents
How Do Hutchinson, MN Lawyers Resolve Truck Crash Claims?
An 80,000-pound vehicle, which is the maximum semi-truck weight, traveling at 60mph brings an immeasurable amount of force to bear in a crash. So, it’s little wonder that truck accidents often cause spine injuries and other catastrophic wounds. The medical bills alone...
How does a Hutchinson, MN Lawyer Win Money in Truck Crash Claims?
Evidence is usually the key to a successful outcome in any civil case. Accident victims have the burden of proof. They must establish negligence by a preponderance of the evidence (more likely than not). Imagine two equally-full cups of coffee are on the same table....
A U-Haul Truck Hit Me. Can a Hutchinson, MN Lawyer Help Me?
Frequently, U-Haul and other rental drivers have little or no insurance. Under the traditional negligent entrustment rule, vehicle owners are liable for damages if they allow incompetent operators to use their vehicles. Generally, drivers are incompetent if there was...
Can Brainerd, MN Injury Lawyers Obtain Fair Compensation for Tour Bus Crash Injuries?
Absolutely yes. In fact, most of these cases settle out of court. However, the road to fair compensation is often long, because charter bus crashes are factually and legally complex. Overall, the number of fatal truck accidents has increased 42 percent since 2009....
How Do Brainerd Attorneys Resolve Truck Crash Claims?
Medical bills are usually one of the largest components of a truck crash claim. Frequently, these wrecks cause catastrophic injuries, such as spinal cord injuries. The medical expenses of such wounds may exceed $4 million over the course of a lifetime. To provide...
How Do Brainerd, MN Injury Lawyers Resolve Truck Crash Claims?
Back in the day, most truck wreck claims went to trial. But that proportion decreased by over 50 percent during the 1990s. Now, out-of-court settlements far outnumber trials. These settlements are usually best for everyone. They give the parties more control over the...
Buffalo, MN Accident Lawyers and Drowsy Driver Truck Crash Evidence
The duty of reasonable care begins before drivers get behind the wheel. Operators must be fully licensed, completely sober, and well-rested. Yet truck driver fatigue is a factor in one out of six large truck collisions. Even if the driver does not actually fall asleep...
How Does the Graves Amendment Affect Law Firms in Buffalo, MN?
If you see a U-Haul or other rented moving truck on the streets or highways of Wright County, an incompetent driver is probably behind the wheel. A fully-loaded, 17-foot truck may weigh up to 25,000 pounds. Even experienced drivers have a hard time managing these huge...
Can a Brainerd, MN Accident Lawyer Quickly Settle a Truck Accident Claim?
The ongoing truck driver shortage is showing no signs of letting up. In fact, industry experts predict that the shortfall will reach 160,000 drivers by 2028. As a result, some shipping companies employ drivers with little experience behind the wheel. Other companies...