In a word, yes. Fewer than 3 percent of all slip-and-fall claims settle out of court. Unfortunately, that statistic does not mean the case will settle quickly. There is also a good chance that the claim will go through the system and settle almost literally at the...
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Slip and Fall
How Does a Lawyer in Buffalo, MN Obtain a Workers’ Comp Slip and Fall Settlement?
Nationwide, slip and fall injuries are the leading cause of workers’ compensation benefits claims. Most of these incidents occur in office settings, a fact which surprises many people. Common causes include open desk drawers, floor debris, improper lighting, and...
A Brainerd Personal Injury Lawyer Talks About Nursing Home Falls
The long-predicted elderly population explosion is here. Moreover, we are headed for another sea change. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, for the first time, people over 65 will outnumber people under 18 by 2030. This demographic shift has some implications for...