Dog bites often cause extremely gruesome injuries. But that’s not always the case. In fact, in many situations, there might be little or no apparent physical injury. Regardless of the amount of pain or apparent severity of the injury, these victims usually need and...
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Dog Bites
How Do Buffalo, MN Injury Lawyers Handle Dog Bite Defenses?
Nationwide, dogs bite over four million people per year. Mostly due to the nature of the victims, many of these bites cause incredibly serious injuries, as outlined below. That’s the bad news. The good news is that Minnesota has one of the most victim-friendly dog...
Dog Bite Injuries and Brainerd, MN Accident Lawyers
Every year, dogs bite over four million Americans, and many of these attacks cause serious injuries. Typically, these injuries are difficult to treat, which means they are expensive to treat. In fact, many of these victims need costly reconstructive surgery and...
Dog Bite Claims and Brainerd, MN Personal Injury Lawyers
In 2018, insurance companies paid almost $700 million to settle dog bite claims. That figure works out to almost $40,000 per claim. Many times, the claims are substantially higher. Serious dog bites usually require extensive, and expensive, reconstructive surgery....
Dog Bite Defenses and Brainerd Injury Lawyers
In 2018, homeowners insurance companies paid nearly $700 million in dog bite claims. This figure has increased substantially since 2005, mostly due to the nature of dog bite injuries. When animals attack helpless victims, they generally lunge at victims and knock them...
Anonymous Dog Mauls Minneapolis Woman
After a vicious animal attacked a woman in a tranquil park, she needs compensation and justice. These are the areas where Brainerd attorneys shine brightest. Dawn Hunt said she saw the Jack Russell Terrier mix approach her. The animal was wearing a collar and dragging...
How Do Brainerd Personal Injury Lawyers Win Dog Bite Cases?
A few dog bites are just embarrassing. But for the most part, nothing else causes the kinds of physical and emotional injuries than an animal attack can cause. Physically, dog bite injuries are a lot like car crash injuries. Both are incredibly varied. Animal...
Brainerd Injury Lawyers and Dog Bite Damages
Nationwide, dogs bite about 4.5 million people a year. Roughly a fifth of these victims receive emergency room for their physical wounds. Many more seek psychological or other treatment for their mental wounds. Quality physical and mental healthcare costs money, and...