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Driving behaviors that increase the likelihood of car accidents

On Behalf of | Jan 10, 2025 | Car Accidents

When sharing the road with other road users, the hope is that individuals are cautious enough that they inspire greater road safety around them. Unfortunately, road user behavior remains one of the leading causes of accidents.

While external factors like weather or road conditions play a role in crash rates, a significant percentage of accidents are caused by driver behavior. Understanding these behaviors can help reduce the risks and make roads safer for everyone.

Distracted driving

It’s unsettling that some drivers are tempted to multitask while operating their vehicles. Multitasking occupies a driver when they’re supposed to pay full attention to the important task at hand. Distracted driving increases the likelihood of a car accident, whether a driver is engaging in conversations with passengers or adjusting the radio.

Texting behind the wheel is particularly dangerous because it combines visual, manual and cognitive distractions. Essentially, a driver has to:

  • Think about how they want to respond to a text
  • Use at least one hand to hold the phone
  • Take their eyes off the road to read the text

Distracted drivers risk the lives of unsuspecting road users who are hoping they’re sharing the road with responsible drivers.


Drivers who exceed designated speed limits do so for various reasons, such as:

  • Racing other vehicles on the road
  • Trying to get to their destination quicker
  • Get the adrenaline rush of going too fast

Whichever the reason, driving too fast can significantly increase the likelihood of fatal car crashes. This is because speeding:

  • Reduces the driver’s ability to react to hazards
  • Increases stopping distances
  • Magnifies the impact of a collision

For instance, a vehicle traveling at 100 mph requires significantly more distance to come to a stop compared to one traveling at 50 mph. Moreover, the force of impact increases exponentially with speed, which can result in more severe injuries or fatalities. Drivers often speed:

  • Out of habit
  • Due to impatience
  • Due to the belief that they can control their vehicle at high speeds

However, adhering to speed limits and adjusting speed during adverse conditions like rain or heavy traffic can drastically reduce accident risks.

Road users who get involved in car accidents due to reckless driver behavior can feel cheated for being diligent and cautious on the road. Affected individuals shouldn’t hesitate to hold reckless drivers accountable for their recklessness. Suitable legal support can help ensure injured individuals get justice for their injuries.

