Getting a divorce is never easy. It is possibly one of the most difficult times in a couple’s life. Many things may seem entirely new. For example, you may not be accustomed to hearing the legal terms associated with a divorce, and might never have had to rethink your finances before
However, the fact is that several considerations go into any family law case. Hiring a divorce lawyer is chief among them. To ensure that you end up working with an experienced divorce lawyer in Minnesota, you will need to ask them a few questions before hiring them.
To give you a head start in your search for the right divorce lawyer, we present a few questions to ask before hiring one.
1. For How Long Have You Been Handling Family Law Cases?
This is an important question to ask, especially if you believe that your divorce is going be long and difficult. Rather than asking the prospective lawyer about how long they’ve been practicing law, you should ask them about their experience in family law specifically.
In case your case goes to trial, your lawyer needs to be knowledgeable in the following aspects:
- Preparing legal arguments and filing motions.
- Conducting cross and direct examinations.
- Presenting evidence in court.
- Objecting to the opposing party’s evidence.
You need to be assured of the lawyer’s ability to handle your case, even if it gets complex. Once you find a reliable lawyer, things will get easier.
2. Do You Handle Cases Other Than Divorce and Family Law?
Having this answer will help you evaluate the prospective lawyer’s dedication to your case. Lawyers involved in other practice areas may not be as focused towards divorce cases as those who practice is exclusively. So you may feel more comfortable working with the latter. Further, they will have greater experience in handling all types of family law issues.
This, however, does not mean that a lawyer who doesn’t practice family law exclusively will fail in your case. If you’re in a position to choose, go for the one who specializes in family and divorce law.
3. Have You Handled Family Law Cases in My County in Minnesota?
Every county in Minnesota is different when it comes to the temperament of judges, and courtroom personnel and procedures. Hence, the legal tactics that may prove to be effective in Brainerd might not work in Buffalo. It is, therefore, crucial to find a divorce lawyer who has handled a considerable number of cases in the county where your case will be filed.
4. What Percentage of Cases Have You Settled?
Some clients are of the opinion that settling a case means giving into the pressure of the opposition. A skilled family lawyer will explain to you that settlement does not mean that. In fact, it means the attorney is doing their job by collecting the right case facts and making a compelling argument to the opposing party. Doing so requires more diligence and legal acumen than entrusting the final outcome to the court judge.
5. How Many Cases Have You Tried in a Minnesota Court?
Most of the time, divorce matters get resolved outside the courtroom, but some cases do end up in trial. If you are considering hiring a particular divorce lawyer, you should ask them about the type and number of cases they have taken to trial. The answer to this question will help you determine whether or not the lawyer is comfortable with the prospects of fighting it out in court.
You need to be prepared in case your matter doesn’t settle. It is probably better not to hire a divorce lawyer with no trial experience. On the other hand, a divorce attorney who is boastful of the numerous trials they have handled may be too litigious. Tread carefully and strike the right balance.
6. Will You Be Advocating for Me?
Many family law attorneys hire associate lawyers to help with their caseload. These associates are usually recent law school graduates who work under the guidance of a senior divorce lawyer. Sometimes, the lawyer you hire will delegate responsibilities to an associate attorney.
While some clients have no problem with this arrangement, others may feel more confident knowing that the lawyer they are talking to will actually handle their case. It is best to be clear about this aspect. So, choose carefully.
7. How Often Will You Communicate with Me and What Is Your Preferred Mode of Communication?
Lawyers are busy people, and some may ask their associates or junior lawyers to communicate with their clients. Hence, in your initial consultation, ask your prospective attorney about how often they will be able to talk to you.
Most lawyers use email as their preferred mode of communication as it is quick and private. Some clients prefer to talk to their attorney face-to-face or on call rather than on email. You should consider all these aspects and look for a lawyer who communicates at the frequency and uses the mode you prefer.
8. What Are Your Fees?
Divorces are the costly affair. It is always better to find out beforehand how much your divorce will end up costing in totality. Some cases can drag on for years, so you need have clear information on how it will affect you financially. Find out:
- Will your lawyer charge a fixed fee or by the hour?
- What services will the hourly charges include?
- How often will the billing be done?
- Do they have different rates for time spent in and out of court?
- Do they ask for a retainer after hiring? If yes, what will the amount be?
Going through a divorce can be challenging. Having a supportive attorney to guide you through the complex legal maze can be highly comforting. Hiring the right lawyer is crucial if you want to go through the divorce process with your rights protected and head held high. Hopefully, asking the above questions will help you narrow down your search and find an experienced divorce lawyer in Minnesota to advocate on your behalf.
Reach out to Our Skilled Divorce Lawyer in Minnesota
The final outcome of a divorce case can have a lasting and considerable impact on your rights. It is crucial to have qualified legal counsel to protect your financial and parental rights throughout the divorce process. Feel free to connect with us at 855-762-6548 for a free consultation. You can also contact us with your queries via our short website form. We will get back to you at the earliest.