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What Does A Criminal Defense Lawyer Do in Brainerd, MN

by | Sep 5, 2020 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

In Minnesota, crimes vary from misdemeanors to felonies, and so do the punishments they carry. While for some misdemeanors and first-time offenses, you may get away with fines and/or community service, a significant crime can land you in prison. As a result, you need to represent yourself in the best possible manner in front of the judge and jury.

That’s where a professional criminal defense attorney comes in.

With the help of a seasoned lawyer, you can navigate the complicated and confusing US criminal law system easily. They can help identify, organize, and present facts related to your case that may end up reducing your punishment or even getting you acquitted.

Here’s what an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Brainerd, MN can do for you.

1. Help You Understand Criminal Law

As mentioned, criminal law in US (state and federal) is vast and complicated, which can be confusing for most commoners. Criminal attorneys not only have the educational qualifications to understand the law, but also have first-hand experience in dealing with every aspect of it in court.

As they know the law thoroughly, a criminal defense lawyer can help you understand the legal aspects of your case. They can also help you know which loopholes in the law can help you get the most desirable outcome, depending on the circumstances of your case.

They also know about the local laws, court procedures, police, prosecutors, and judges. This information can help reduce the nuisance involved in dealing with a criminal charge.

2. Investigate Your Case Further

Your criminal defense lawyers will investigate your case further to see if they can unearth useful facts. The lawyer will talk to the police officers handling your case, eyewitnesses (if they are involved), and anyone else related to your case.

Your lawyer may also talk to the witnesses to crosscheck the facts mentioned in their testimony. If the investigators appointed by your lawyer find any loopholes in the testimonies presented by the witnesses, your case may not even go to trial.

Moreover, your lawyer will review the legal processes to see if they can find any inconsistencies that can help thwart the charges against you. For example, if you were arrested without a probable cause, the charges against you may get dropped. However, only the best criminal defense attorney can understand how probable cause is defined in your jurisdiction and whether there are any loopholes in your case.

3. Double-Checking the Evidence

When investigating your case, your criminal attorney will also double-check the evidence being presented against you. Most lawyers will not only study the facts and theories related to your case’s evidence, they may also rope in expert witnesses to offer a different point of view than the prosecution.

Your experienced criminal defense lawyer in Brainerd, MN, may also hire a private detective to find any useful facts. However, these actions will be taken based on how serious your criminal offense is. For example, a simple DUI may not require independent evidence analysis, but an aggravated assault charge certainly will.

4. Negotiate to Get You a Better Deal

Most criminal cases, especially the ones involving minor offense, are less likely to go to trial. Usually, the prosecution will try to negotiate a deal with the defendant. However, the plea bargain will not be in your favor unless your lawyer is involved.

In other words, even if you want to go for a plea bargain, having a criminal defense lawyer on your side is a good idea. As the lawyer knows the state and the local law and premises of your case, they can help bring down the punishment by a great extent.

5. Defend Your Case If It Goes to Trial

If your case goes to trial, your lawyer will prepare your defense and represent you in the court. You and your attorney can work together to come up with the best defense strategy after evaluating the facts related to your case.

Usually, during a trial, your experienced criminal defense lawyer in Brainerd, MN, will fill out your paperwork, introduce any new evidence on your behalf, submit court applications and requests, and take care of case-related paperwork.

Other important responsibilities include interviewing witnesses, taking their cross on the stand, making opening and closing statements, and jury selection. As the lawyer understands the intricacies involved in a criminal trial, self-representation may not be the best way to defend yourself.


When it comes to fighting a criminal charge in Minnesota, having an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Brainerd, MN on your side can help you turn the outcome of your case in your favor. But most importantly, your lawyer will make you feel confident enough to not give up. Hopefully, reading about these five benefits will encourage you to take the right step.

Call Our Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer in Brainerd, MN

Fighting a criminal charge is easier said than done. However, calling an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Brainerd, MN, like Carlson & Sons is the first step towards getting the best possible outcome in your case. Call us on 855-762-6548 for a free consultation or contact us online to see how we can help.

